Privacy & Policy

As our company primarily focuses on customer satisfaction. So our first duty is to ensure it and analyze the latest development through surveys by customers related to renting a car throughout the world with no compromise on their personal data.

It is to inform you that privacy policies are made so for the satisfaction of our customers. None of your personal data is shared with a third party. It is only used by the company managers for renting a car detailed agreement.

Your personal data is used for the following purposes:

1.  To continue offering our services.

2.To let you know if anything changes.

3. To enable you to take part in our Service’s interactive features once you consent to do so.

4. To offer customer service.
5. To gather insightful data or information so that we can enhance our service.
6. To keep an eye on how our Service is being used.

7. To identify, stop, and fix any technical issue.

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